If it has been a while since your last workout (or you are a total beginner) and you are a bit overweight, you can’t just jump into the gym routine just like that. Doing so can seriously hinder your progress and you can also injure yourself.
To make sure that your gym workouts are safe and effective, you must have smart and effective workout tips. Here are 11 of them:
1 Consult with your doctor first
Always consult with your doctor first before undertaking any new exercise or diet.
2. Start slow
Don’t take things too heavily in the first too weeks. Start with doing some light exercises like walking and very light resistance exercises.
3. Set goals
The first thing you have to do is to set some goals. They can be the amount of times you want to exercise, your target weight or the weight loads you want to lift. Just remember to be realistic when setting goals and don’t set goals you know is very unlikely to achieve.
4. Have solid motivation in place
Keep a picture of the reason behind your weight loss nearby or make a reasons collage and look at it every day to motivate yourself.