The rate at which the normal production of testosterone by the male body may be shut down because of the abundance of steroids in the bloodstream depends on the individual. If the testosterone production level is shut down, it may not return to normal after the steroids are taken. This is especially scary because testosterone plays a vital part in a man’s bodily functions and muscular systems.
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Steroids play a tremendous role in the world of bodybuilding. Many athletes as well as past and current bodybuilders have admitted to taking them. Arnold Schwarzenegger is one such example. Most professional bodybuilders use them even though they are “illegal” and are tested during bodybuilding shows.
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Bodybuilder taking steroids can train heavy six or seven days a week and still build muscle. Natural bodybuilders, however, would quickly become over trained. Bodybuilders consuming steroids can process more protein than natural bodybuilders because steroids enable greater nitrogen retention than the body is designed to handle. Bodybuilders have been using heavy cycles of steroids for more than a decade and many have experienced few or no side effects, while some use a minimal amount and end up in the hospital with sometimes none repairable damage. The administering of insulin and diuretics can also be fatal, especially if the abuser is uneducated on their proper usage.
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